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About Chris Kimble and about this Site

I will start with (for somebody who spent a lot of his time working with people from HCI) the vaguely embarrassing bit - the site - and then get on to the easy bit - talking about myself.

About this site

This site was set up as a temporary home for my personal web site in the Department of Computer Science at the at the University of York when I left and moved to my new job in France. Then, some time later when I discovered I would not be given space on their servers, I realized that this had actually become a permanent feature.

It may be permanent, but it will almost certainly not be up to date. I have fixed most of the obvious things but some things are just not worth the effort. For example, I have managed to keep my list of publications up to date but the teaching pages are all for courses that I no longer teach. I will leave them on the site as I know that other people use them, but I can't see myself spending the time needed to keep them up to date.

I have tried to organize the site in as logical and consistent way as I can, but some of the structures have been inherited from web pages set up for courses that have long since disappeared - in which case I have simply left them the way they were. The newer pages top level pages (the ones with a textured background) should all have a link in the top left hand corner that will take you back to the home page, but below that there may be a variety of different systems of navigation. Most of the teaching pages for example have links to take you forwards and backwards through a module while the pages for the books Knowledge Networks and Creating Learning Environments for Educators mostly rely on you using the back button. Yep, I am afraid it is more of a Dog's Breakfast than the Dog's Bollocks

About Chris Kimble

OK, this is the easy bit because the answer is already out there on the web! For start, you can ...

Alternatively, you can look at:

Happy hunting!

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