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Web Links for Management and Information Systems

This page was originally constructed as a resource for the Management and Information Systems course at the University of York. Although this course is no longer taught, the selection of links of the page has proved to be of interest for people who wish to research the area of Management and Information Systems. Consequently this page and the rest of the material for the MIS course has been retained.

MIS Text Books

This page only contains links to web based materials, if you are looking for MIS text books please use the list of recommended MIS books that features on any of the pages associated with this course.

Note to students on the MIS course at the University of York

The following sites may be of use to you for the MIS course - please note that some sites require an ATHENS password. More specific links can be found on the pages associated with each topic in the course.

Sites to search for articles and papers:

Password protected sites:

The following sites require an ATHENS ID and Password. University of York students should contact the library if they do not have (or have lost) their ATHENS password.

Open Access sites:

The following sites are open access and do not require a ID or password.

Sites of general interest:

The following sites contain material of general interest (often in the form of links to other sites) and do not require a ID or password.

Specialist sites:

The following sites Contain material that is more directly concerned with the content of the Management and Information Systems Course.

Publications from the MIS group at York:

Some of the publications from the MIS research group may also be of use for this course.

Sites recommended by students and others

The following are a list of "other sites". These have mostly been suggested by students on the MIS course at York.

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